The Hate of a Best Friend
In the summer of 1985, there was a new girl in the sixth grade at Coal Community School. Her name was Fawn Framelight. Fawn lives in the Caribbean Island now. She was shy, and a bit awkward. She was a lot like another girl in her grade named Blaze Goldbrick. Fawn had beautiful curly red hair, with bright blue eyes; one of the most rare combinations in the world. Fawn never missed a day of school, and always had her homework done. Blaze only missed one day of school in her whole entire life because she had a twenty-four hour flu.
Fawn only had a mother; her name was Phoebe. Her father died in a car accident seven years ago. His name was Edwin. She only remembers that her father always smelled like peppermints and ginger. Her father was raised by his Uncle Teddy because his parents were killed in a car accident close to her fathers’. Uncle Teddy wasn’t really his uncle, it was his grandfather. His grandfather didn’t want to feel old with the word “grand.” So he decided to be called uncle. Fawn’s father found the best cheese cake recipe ever, on a tiny little island in the pacific. He thought he was a pirate, and that was his treasure.
Fawn wouldn’t answer a single question in class, but she would always correct the teacher. The teacher didn’t really appreciate being proven wrong by a sixth grader though. Fawn was a straight “A” student. She practically had a photographic memory. Fawn didn’t care about what other’s thought of her. She wore last century clothes, and did her hair in a messy bun every single day of school. Fawn typically only had one friend in her previous school, but never spoke her name; just characteristics about her.
Blaze was a bit awkward and very clumsy. Blaze has thick dirty blond hair, with violet eyes. Blaze wouldn’t answer a single question either. She wouldn’t even speak a word when somebody wanted to talk to her. She was invisible. When a teacher wanted to talk to her, Blaze would put her answer in complicated ways. So they wouldn’t understand exactly what she wanted to say, and then walked away without saying another word.
Their teacher thought it would be fun to talk about what everyone did over the summer. After Blaze and Fawn heard that they were into the same things like art, singing, dancing, and writing books; they became best friends instantly. The teacher even put them right next to each other in all of their classes. They loved sitting by each other, and talking about themselves. They were still shy, but answered some questions now. They also had slumber parties every Friday, and two-hour late start days. They would sing all night long.
They were the perfect set of best friends, or so Fawn thought….
The first week of December they decided to enter a dancing contest. They practiced every day after school, for two weeks straight. They forgot to study for their semester tests, and were panicked about how good they were going to do on it. Fawn got a 98 percent on it, but Blaze got a 67 percent on it. Blaze was furious; she never failed a test in her life, and hated Fawn for having a photographic memory. She knew that Fawn would never fail in her life. Blaze wasn’t going to let Fawn destroy her perfect grades. Blaze never told Fawn that she was furious with her. In fact she even lied about her grade to everybody, and they still practiced for the dancing contest all the time.
Blaze became obsessed with trying to make Fawn fail. She cheated off of Fawn, and when Fawn turned her paper in; Blaze took it, and wrote down different answers. Fawn still got a 90 percent on it. Blaze went to Fawn’s house after school, and stole different notes everyday. Fawn still did great on test. Blaze took most of her clothes, and bathroom items because Fawn always knew where to find her perfect outfit at. Blaze thought Fawn would be late because she would have to find something else. Fawn was even earlier to school then normal. Blaze slept on the floor next to Fawn, and kept her up all night. By the time school starts, Fawn will be exhausted, Blaze hoped. Fawn wasn’t tired though because it was Saturday. Blaze had ran out of options.
Next Friday was going to be terrible for Fawn. Blaze invited Fawn to go shopping with her. Of course Fawn said yes. Blaze and her walked over to the mall because it was just across the street. Blaze lured her into going shopping at Aeropostale, even though Fawn is allergic to the fragrance. The smell makes her pass out if she is smelling it for more than ten minutes. Blaze told her that she would only be there for seven minutes, but Blaze had a plan to be there longer. Blaze put on a dress that was too small, and had Fawn try to zip it up. Fawn was in there too long; and she passed out. Blaze pushed her up out of the window, and dragged her across the floor into the bathrooms. She pushed Fawn into the vent, and into a small tiny room underground.
Fawn woke up and was scared out of her mind. She didn’t know where she was, what to do, or why she was even there. All she saw was a tiny light in the middle of the room. She looked around for a way out, but there was nothing; she began screaming. Then finally a small door opened in the corner of the room, and Blaze walked in. Blaze had an evil look, and five giant bloody scrapes in her face. Fawn thought her face was in a fight with a lion. Blaze turned on all the lights, and started talking to Fawn.
Blaze told Fawn how she was furious with her by making her fail on a semester test. Fawn felt terrible; she didn’t know that Blaze failed because Blaze told everyone she got a perfect. Blaze screamed at her, and told Fawn that she would never see daylight again. At that very moment a little sun light came from a tiny window.
Fawn then said, “You better tell the sun to go away then.”
Blaze covered up the window with wood and nails. She told her that she wouldn’t see anybody else again, not even her mother. Blaze then walked out the door laughing with a grin on her face.
Fawn kept screaming. Fawn was determined on trying to find a way out. Then she remembered about the window. She tried reaching the window, but was to short. She now believed Blaze, about how she was never going to see sunlight again. Blaze fed her only to watch her suffer longer. Fawn was allergic to most of the food she was given, so she was starved for many hours.
Days went by, and Fawn’s mother was scared out of her mind. She had never gone this long without Fawn. She decided that she needed to file a police report about her stolen child. She turned it in; the police said they were on the case.
Blaze got questioned and said, “I was only in the dressing room for two minutes and when I came out Fawn was gone.”
Blaze was a great liar. The police totally bought it, and never questioned her again. Phoebe lost a lot of hope, in the search for her daughter. The police came by every day, and told her the same news; they had no clues leading to Fawn’s disappearance.
About two weeks later Blaze opened the door, and more light got in the tiny little room; Fawn noticed a vent that she could fit into. When Blaze walked out, Fawn went over to the wall and tried for an hour to open the vent. It was hopeless, but she smelled peppermints and ginger. Just like the smell of her beloved dad. She screamed through it, but there was no answer. Finally Fawn fell to the floor, and stopped trying to escape. She was never going to get out of the room. Fawn cried and lost so much weight she couldn’t live. That night Fawn went to bed, but never woke up. Blaze never returned, and went home without even a frown. Blaze wasn’t entirely happy though; her only true friend was gone, and it was all her fault.
I really liked this PPOW! I loved how you had so much detail of this epic fight. I liked how at the beginning of the story you talked about her dad smelling like peppermint and ginger and then later on at the end of the story you used that again.
ReplyDeleteI like that Blaze is pretty much like you made me fail, so you will never see the light of day again. Also why would you not tell you best friend that you are failing.